MCEF Announces New Addition to Leadership Council

LANSING — Today the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum (MCEF) announced the addition of Andrew Kapanowski to its Leadership Council. Kapanowski is the chair of the Michigan Federation of College Republicans. He is pursuing his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, with a minor in Finance at Ferris State University, where he is also the vice president of the College Republicans. In addition to his involvement on the Leadership Council, Kapanowski was one of five individuals chosen for the inaugural MCEF Youth Fellowship Program this year. 

The MCEF Leadership Council is comprised of conservative leaders who believe Michigan needs to diversify its energy portfolio and move towards a true “All of the Above” generation mix, with an emphasis on transitioning to cleaner and more renewable forms of energy.

“Michigan’s young professionals and college students are increasingly driving progress in our state’s policy landscape,” said Larry Ward, executive director of MCEF. “Whether for economic, security, or stewardship reasons, our state’s youth are passionate about securing an energy future that is affordable, reliable, and renewable. Andrew Kapanowski is helping to mobilize his fellow young conservatives across the state to engage with policy issues like clean energy, to the benefit of all and the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum is proud to welcome him to our Leadership Council team.”

“I am interested in energy solutions that are driven by sound economics,” said Andrew Kapanowski, MCEF leadership council member. “Clean and efficient energy solutions that are pro-free market, reliable, and affordable for Michigan ratepayers are the future. I look forward to working with the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum to help our great state achieve these energy goals and remain competitive regionally and nationally.”


About MCEF: The Michigan Conservative Energy Forum is an organization comprised of conservatives who believe that Michigan should adopt a true “All of the Above” energy policy that includes an increase in our commitment to renewable energy and energy efficiency.  MCEF believes encouraging diverse and clean energy production and reduced energy waste will create jobs and stimulate Michigan’s economy, reduce our reliance on foreign energy, improve our national security, and protect our valuable natural resources.

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